I love having my grandson in the kitchen with me. Now I have him pouring ingredients into my mixer without spilling a single drop. He�s only ten years old and can pour pancake batter without leaving a trail of batter behind him all over the floor, stove and griddle. Mari
Featured Product
POURfect� Bowls
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POURfect� Bowls
“The Original Spill-Proof Bowl” Eight unique features make this the last measure, mix & pour bowl you will ever need.
GRIP - Rests comfortably over your index finger, using your palm and thumb instead of grasping with your fingers.
EGG CRACKING LEDGE - Convenient location to crack eggs while keeping the entire cracked egg inside the bowl.
MEASURING GUIDE - English and Metric measurements inside the bowl.
GULL WINGS - Fold ingredients back into bowl toward the pouring spout COMPLETELY eliminating overspill.
RUBBER RING - Non-slip rubber ring adds stability to POURfect® Bowl when mixing ingredients
CHANNEL - Aligns ingredients to flow smoothly to the pouring spout
PIVOT - Securely positions bowl on another container improving control while pouring
DRIPLESS SPOUT- Flat edge on spout stops drip from running down the front of the POURfect® Bowl
Customer Reviews:
Debi Newton (Saturday, 29 December 2007) Rating: This product is the most ingenious I've seen. I hated using my Kitchen Aid because it was so hard to pour things into it while mixing. This bowl makes it so easy. I bought some for others who have Kitchen Aids, they love them too!!!
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